1. 检查水泵和电机的完好情况。
2. 泵安装位置应尽可能靠近水源处。
3. 泵与底座直接安装在水泥基础上。
4. 将泵安放在基础上垫高 30~40 毫米 (准备充填水泥浆之用),然后进行校正,并穿好地脚螺栓,充填水泥砂浆,经 3~5 天水泥干涸后,重新校正,待水泥完全干涸后,拧紧地脚螺栓的螺母。
5. 安装管路时,进、出水管路均应有各自的支承,确保泵的法兰不会承受过大的管路重量。
6. 泵用于有吸程场合,进水管端应装有底阀,并且进出口管路不应有过多弯道,同时水泵不得有漏水、漏气现象存在。
7. 在进口管路上最好装有过滤网,以防杂质进人叶轮内部。滤网的有效面积应是进水管面积的 3~4 倍,以保证液体的自由畅通。
Hello! According to my search results, the installation steps of the 4-inch vertical foam pump are as follows:
1. Check the integrity of the water pump and motor.
2. The pump should be installed as close to the water source as possible.
3. The pump and base are directly installed on a cement foundation.
4. Place the pump on the foundation and raise it by 30-40 millimeters (preparing to fill with cement slurry), then calibrate it, thread the anchor bolts, fill with cement mortar, and after 3-5 days of cement drying, recalibrate it. After the cement is completely dry, tighten the nuts of the anchor bolts.
When installing pipelines, both the inlet and outlet pipelines should have their own supports to ensure that the pump flange does not bear excessive pipeline weight.
6. The pump is used in situations with suction lift. The inlet pipe end should be equipped with a bottom valve, and the inlet and outlet pipelines should not have too many bends. At the same time, the pump should not have water or air leakage.
7. It is best to install a filter screen on the inlet pipeline to prevent impurities from entering the impeller. The effective area of the filter should be 3-4 times the area of the inlet pipe to ensure the free and smooth flow of the liquid.